Horizon Documentation 1.21.1 Help

Configuration Files


# This is the main configuration file for Horizon. # # Created by GideonWhite1029 # Boosty: https://boosty.to/gideonwhite1029 settings: features: no-chat-reports: true use-vanilla-random: false vanilla-hopper: false # Returns vanilla hopper behavior spectator-dont-get-advancement: false fast-resume: true # Creates a file with information for quickly starting and loading the server (WARNING, may cause lags on the server) update-suppression-crash-fix: false # Includes the ability to suppress updates (At the moment there is no mechanism that uses the update suppressor for 1.20.6+) cce-update-suppression: false # Includes the ability to suppress updates (At the moment there is no mechanism that uses the update suppressor for 1.20.6+) no-tnt-place-update: false # Disables TNT update when it is posted instant-block-updater-reintroduced: false # Enables instant block updates redstone-wire-dont-connect-if-on-trapdoor: false # If the redstone is on the hatch, it will not turn on optimized-powered-rails: false # Speeds up behavior/on/off of powered rails by 4 times copper-bulb-1-gt-delay: false # Copper bulb has 1 redstone teak crafter-1-gt-delay: false # Crafter has 1 redstone teak disable-packet-limit: true # Disables the packet sending limit (Useful if you are using Litematic to insert a large building into the world) disableMovedWronglyThreshold: false # Disables any Moved Wrongly Threshold secure-seed: false # Protecting the seed from attempts to calculate or hack stack: max-item-stack-count: 0 # Change the maximum stack of discarded items max-container-destroy-count: 0 # Change the maximum stack of items when breaking a container (chests, hoppers, etc.) elytra-aeronautics: no-chunk-load: false # Disable loading of chunks when reaching a certain height on elytra no-chunk-height: 500.0 no-chunk-speed: -1.0 message: true # Send messages about switching to mode message-start: Flight enter cruise mode message-end: Flight exit cruise mode utils: hopper-counter: false # Adds the /counter command use_virtual_thread_for_async_scheduler: false # Use virtual streams instead of regular ones stick-change-armorstand-arm-status: false # The stick can change the position of the armorstand's arms use_virtual_thread_for_chat_executor: false # Use virtual thread for chat executor use_virtual_thread_for_executor_noise_generation: false # Use virtual thread for executor noise generation protocols: appleskin-protocol: false # AppleSkin mod support jade-protocol: false # Jade mod support horizon-carpet-support: false # Carpet mod support syncmatica: # Syncmatica mod support enable: false quota: false # Enable quota for the number of blocks in the schematic quota-limit: 40000000 fakeplayer: enable: true unable-fakeplayer-names: - player-name limit: 10 prefix: '' suffix: '' always-send-data: true resident-fakeplayer: false open-fakeplayer-inventory: false skip-sleep-check: false spawn-phantom: false regen-amount: 0.01 use-action: true modify-config: false optimization: fasterChunkSerialization: false optimizeNoiseGeneration: false configurable-mc-67: true # Allows mobs and other entities to pass through a nether portal async-player-data-saving: false region: format: ANVIL # Region File Type (ANVIL or LINEAR) linear: flush-frequency: 10 # Specify the region save frequency (seconds) auto-convert-anvil-to-linear: false # Automatically converts Anvil file format (.mca) to Linear file format (.linear) (WARNING - Make sure you have a full backup of the world before turning this option on) flush-max-threads: 1 # Specify the maximum number of threads to use when saving regions. Set to -1 to use all threads compression-level: 1 # Compression level for region files. Should be a number between 1 and 22 config-version: 3
Last modified: 24 November 2024